The CHEC Independent School was established by Christian Home Educators of Colorado (CHEC) under the Non-Public School Law, functioning as an “umbrella” for enrolled families.
It is important to understand that if you are enrolled in the CHEC Independent School, you are not subject to the requirements of the Colorado homeschool law (learn more on Our policies may be similar to the Homeschool Law in some areas but are distinct.
Note that Colorado Law has three options for providing private education at home, and this website is for the CHEC Independent School, which falls under the Non-Public School Law. Make sure this is what you’re looking for by checking out this breakout on of the options. Other Independent Schools may have different policies.
On your application, the student’s grade will be automatically calculated by their birthdate.
We realize that might not be the same level at which your student is working, so parents are encouraged to modify grades if needed. If you choose to modify your student’s grade, please consider these things:
If you would like to change your student’s grade level during the school year (after your initial application), you may fill out the Update Student Information form here and submit it to the CHEC Independent School.
Modifying to a grade level below the calculated age grade?
We require documentation explaining the reason why the student’s grade is modified below their calculated age/grade. This documentation will give added credibility to your family file, and, in the event that your homeschool is ever called into question by authorities, the documentation will provide extra proof of your student’s struggles and what is being done to address them. This documented statement must be submitted when you apply.
Required documentation depends on the number of grades you are modifying:
Please note: Modified grade level enrollments received without the appropriate documentation mentioned above will not be processed until that information is received.
When you enroll with the CHEC Independent School, you agree to fulfill the following requirements. (This is a quick summary. Scroll and click each area for complete details.)
The CHEC Independent School year runs from August 1st through July 31st. Enrollment for the school year is typically open from mid - late June through April 30th.
You can begin your application online here by creating an account or logging in.
Things to note:
If your family does not have a U.S. residence, and the country you reside in allows enrollment in a Colorado/U.S. based private school as an exemption from compulsory public school attendance, you will find our international application here. (Families living on a U.S. military base follow U.S. laws.)
Families enrolled in the CHEC Independent School are required to:
You must use the CHEC Independent School Attendance Record, available here.
Attendance, Assessments & Curriculum
Throughout the year, you must personally maintain a detailed attendance record (as described above under "Attendance") and copies of your children’s assessment records. Additionally, we recommend that you keep records of your course of study reflecting the subject requirements (as described below under "Subjects"). In the event of a legal dispute, these records must be accessible and ready to produce.
Immunizations and Exemptions
While the CHEC Independent School does not require immunization records, you are required to maintain immunization records for your children, and if you choose exemption from some or all immunizations, you must annually maintain a statement of exemption. A simple statement is all that is necessary; click here to view & download a sample form. (We recommend that you do not use the CDPHE immunization exemption form.)
The CHEC Independent School accepts results from these three assessment options:
Learn more about assessments and requirements here.
Every student whose date of birth places them in 3rd–12th grade (according to the CHEC Independent School age/grade parameters), or has been modified up to 3rd grade or above, or is a super senior, is required to submit results from an approved assessment at the close of school years ending in an odd calendar year (e.g. 2022/2023, 2024/2025). Results must be submitted by uploading them to your online account no later than August 31st.
The assessment must be taken no earlier than halfway through the grade in which they are being taught and if using a Standardized Achievement Test, must be spring normed.
See the assessment policies page for more information on additional requirements for the following scenarios:
As an independent school, our subject requirements are governed by the Non-Public School Law:
The CHEC Independent School believes parents should have the flexibility to choose educational materials and resources that best meet their child's individual needs for each subject. You can use the CHEC Independent School's core Christian Curricula (for an additional fee) or choose to use other curricula. Just be sure to cover the required subjects! For more in-depth guidance, view the CHEC Independent School Curriculum Plan document!
Because you are overseeing your child’s education, you set the requirements. Once your student has met your set requirements, you graduate them. This means you sign the diploma—but don’t panic! It’s no different than a private school issuing and signing a diploma. (You can order a diploma from our parent ministry, CHEC, here.)
Check out high school support on CHEC's website for more information.
(Please note that some school districts may not allow private school students to participate in any of these activities, and the law does not require them to.)
CHEC Independent School students may participate on a part-time basis in public and private school programs (including public-school-at-home programs) at the discretion of said public or private school, as long as the parent(s) still control, direct, and are actively involved in the child(ren)'s education. (For more information, see CHEC’s position statement on home education.)
Be aware that some part-time public school programs may require parents to file a Notice of Intent to Homeschool (NOI) in order to participate in their program. If you file an NOI, you become subject to the requirements of the Home-Based Education Law (learn more about those requirements here), in addition to the requirements of the CHEC Independent School. Filing an NOI will not excuse you from fulfilling the requirements of the CHEC Independent School, nor will our requirements excuse you from fulfilling those of the Home-Based Education Law. The CHEC Independent School strongly suggests that you weigh your options carefully.
Upon withdrawal of enrollment, students must submit an attendance record listing the number of days schooled with the CHEC Independent School. Assessment results are required for students in 3rd–12th grade who were enrolled past April 1st in an odd calendar year. These records must be submitted through your online account by the August 31st deadline.
Failure to submit these records will nullify your entire school year and you will be disenrolled.
Complete this form to withdraw enrollment.
If you do not have sole educational authority for the students you are enrolling (i.e. if the parents are separated or divorced and the court has not formally removed these rights from the other party), a Shared Educational Authority Form must be filled out by the other party. Then you must include the completed form when you submit your enrollment application. (Your application will not be processed without this completed form on file with the CHEC Independent School.)
If sole educational authority is claimed by the enrolling parent, but the other party professes to share educational authority, we will require the official parenting plan (signed by the judge) to be submitted.