Note that the requirements listed below are unique to the CHEC Independent School; the homeschool law policies and other independent school policies may differ. Click here to learn more on
- Note: The CHEC Independent School requires spring norms (or fall norms for the next highest grade) if using the Standardized Achievement Test option.
- Looking for information on other types of standardized tests accepted by the CHEC Independent School? Learn more on the Standardized Testing page.
- If you are using Seton Testing, here are the date ranges you need to test within to be compliant.
- Iowa Assessment: must be completed between March 1–July 31 for spring norms
- Stanford Achievement Test: must be completed between April 1–July 31 for spring norms
- TerraNova 2/CAT 6: must be completed between March 1–August 31 for spring norms
What are the assessment requirements for members of the CHEC Independent School?
- Student receives more than 50% of their teaching from someone other than a parent, guardian, or adult relative
- Student is in a modified grade level (not according to the CHEC grade calculator/chart)
How do I submit assessment results?
It's easy! Just login to your member portal and upload the results!
At what grade level are assessments required?
Assessments are required:
- At the end of an assessment year cycle (when a school year ends in an odd year, such as 2024/2025)
- And when a student’s date of birth places them in 3rd–12th grade according to the CHEC Independent School age/grade parameters, available on the FAQ page (this includes those who have been modified up to 3rd grade or above, those who have been modified down to 3rd–12th grade, and those who are super seniors).
Note: If your student has reached the age in which they would typically be in 3rd grade, but they are working at 2nd grade or below, they are required to submit the assessment results for the grade level at which they are working (K, 1 or 2). The “typical grade” is calculated within our online enrollment application.
When are assessments due?
What are the assessment options?
- Option #1 — Test: any nationally standardized achievement test OR one of other acceptable tests. Results submitted must include a composite (total/overall) score at or above the 14th percentile. For a high school student, this can include the SAT or ACT college entrance exam once per student. Note: The CHEC Independent School requires spring norms (or fall norms for the next highest grade).
- Option #2 — Professional Evaluation: a professional academic evaluation.
- Option #3 — Parent Evaluation: the CHEC Independent School Parent Evaluation. (Available to purchase here.)
Learn more about each option below on this page.
Options are limited for modified grades or for students who receive more than 50% of their teaching from someone other than a parent or guardian. Learn more below.
If I modify my student’s grade, how does that affect my assessment options?
- If a student is in the grade that matches their age, they may use any of the three assessment options.
- If a student is operating at a higher modified grade level, they may use any of the three assessment options. However, if a nationally standardized test is used, it must be taken at the modified (higher) grade level listed on their enrollment application.
- If a student is operating at a lower grade level, they may use any of the three assessment options. However, standardized tests must be taken at the modified grade level and must show grade level progress. (For example, a 4th grade test may only be submitted once; the following testing cycle a 5th grade test must be submitted.) A student must advance at least one grade level each testing cycle. Exception: If no grade level progress is shown, then a CHEC Independent School Parent Evaluation or a professional evaluation must be submitted.
If someone other than a parent, guardian, or adult relative provides more than 50% of the teaching, how does this affect the assessment options?
First, learn more about our teacher requirements within our policies.
If you have received permission for an exception to the teacher requirements, then an annual (rather than biennial) assessment will be required. The CHEC Independent School Parent Evaluation will not be accepted.
Option #1 — Nationally Standardized Achievement Tests
To be accepted by the CHEC Independent School, tests that are submitted must include these items:
- The student’s name, grade assessed, date the test was taken, composite score, and the testing company’s logo (see this page to find out what the composite score is called on each test)
- A composite score of 14% or higher (the CTP4 and Woodcock-Johnson are exceptions, see below for details)
- A spring-normed test for the grade the student is currently enrolled in (or a fall-normed test for the next grade higher)
- Test should be the original results document and submitted in a non-editable format (PDF or JPEG), with no redactions
- Note: Tests will not be accepted if they were taken prior to halfway through the grade/school year.
Following are the nationally standardized achievement tests accepted by the CHEC Independent School, be sure to pay attention to the special considerations notated. (If you homeschool under Notice of Intent, not all of these are accepted; learn more here on CHEC's website.)
- CAT (California Achievement Test)
- Often a fall normed test (see above point on spring vs fall norms to determine which grade level to obtain)
- CLT (Classic Learning Test)
- Make sure you test during the correct time of year to get a spring norm (or a fall norm for the next higher grade)
- The CLT is only available online for individual families. If your local homeschool group is interested in taking the CLT in paper format, please reach out to
- CTP4 (Comprehensive Testing Program, offered through Classical Conversations)
- Results must include national norms, and each subsection must have a Percentile Rank of 14% or higher
- Iowa Assessment/ITBS
- Make sure you test during the correct time of year to get a spring norm (or a fall norm for the next higher grade)
- PASS (Personalized Achievement Summary System)
- When submitting, make sure to include all four results sheets for each student
- SAT (Stanford Achievement Test)
- Make sure you test during the correct time of year to get a spring norm (or a fall norm for the next higher grade)
- SAT, ACT, or CLT (college entrance exams)
- Accepted once during a student’s high school years
- TerraNova/CTBS
- Make sure you test during the correct time of year to get a spring norm (or a fall norm for the next higher grade)
- Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test
- Results must include a Total Achievement or Brief Achievement score, or each subsection must have a Percentile Rank of 14% or higher)
- Please note: The PSAT, PARCC, CMAS, STAR, and the MAP (Alpha Omega, or public school versions) are not nationally standardized tests and therefore are NOT acceptable tests.
Learn more about ordering these tests here and find places that will test your student here. Note: Most of these tests can be taken at home with a parent as the proctor.
A composite score in the 14th percentile or higher is required. Learn more on CHEC’s Testing Resources page about each test and how to make sure you receive the correct composite score (and note some companies require a small fee to include the composite score).
Option #2 — Professional Evaluation
- A teacher licensed pursuant of CRS22-60.5 (Must Provide Teacher License Number)
- A teacher who is employed by an independent or parochial school
- A licensed psychologist
- A person with a graduate degree in education.
To be accepted by the CHEC Independent School, the evaluation report submitted must include these items:
- Name of the student
- Academic year and grade being evaluated
- A statement that says the equivalent of “This student is progressing according to their academic ability.”
- Name and signature of the evaluator (No digital signatures will be accepted)
- Qualifying credential of the evaluator
- Printed on official letterhead by the evaluator (if available)
- If electronically submitted, must be in .PDF or .JPG format (not a Word document).
If you plan to do an evaluation, contact your chosen evaluator at the beginning of the school year to find out if they require a portfolio or record of the child’s work. Click here for a list of professional evaluators, and click here for a sample professional evaluation form (created for CHEC Independent School members).
Please note: It is your responsibility to thoroughly investigate a potential evaluator. We recommend asking for references and talking to others who have used these organizations/persons’ talents. It is also your responsibility to make sure the evaluator submits a result that includes everything listed above.
Option #3 — CHEC Independent School Parent Evaluations
The CHEC IS Parent Evaluation is a unique option exclusively available to students enrolled in the CHEC Independent School. This is a narrative-style evaluation completed by the student’s parent. (Please note that the Parent Evaluation is not accepted for students who receive more than 50% of their teaching from someone other than a parent, guardian, or adult relative, or for those students who attended a public or private school for more than 50% of the school year.)
If you think you’re interested in this option, we recommend purchasing it early (here on our website) and keeping notes throughout the school year. The CHEC IS Parent Evaluation is only available for purchase between December–July of an assessment year.
To be accepted by the CHEC Independent School, a CHEC IS Parent Evaluation must include these items:
- All pages of the evaluation
- Grade level on information page must match grade(s) on application
- All questions for required subjects are answered
- Each evaluation answer is a paragraph with a minimum of three complete sentences and includes examples
- Grade level progress marked on each subject
- If the subject was not taught, fill in the information for when it was last taught, and when it will be taught again
- Signature of the evaluating parent (electronic or written), signature date, and relationship to student is filled out at the end of the evaluation
- Payment submitted for purchasing each CHEC IS Parent Evaluation (must purchase one per student)
Find the sample forms and order the Parent Evaluation here. (Not available for purchase in non-assessment years.)